Dismantling a house is always exciting.
Renovation reveals parts of the frame, the foundation, the joinery of an old house. But taking it down carefully shows us all of it.
So even though it was 10*F with a stiff wind, I have been there - for the past week. My fingers froze, my camera refused to work. The timber framers said their battery operated power tools were likewise not inclined to cooperate.
The newer windows were shorter than the originals.The hole above was filled in with 2 short lengths of clapboard.
Last week with the clapboard removed, The original window frames were obvious.
Inside the frame was exposed; the rough window opening visible.
Still the 'window' we saw was not the original.
At the top of the opening we could see a new stud scabbed against the old, wider stud. The wider stud stopped at the top of the original window.
Note the white smudge marks on the sheathing - they are made by the un-fired brick that was used for insulation - nogging - and fire stopping.
Bottom of the same window - more white marks on the side of the frame where the brick was under the original window. One of the timber framers, who saw this first, is measuring as I take notes.
I had not expected to see the bottom - the sill - of the original window higher than the newer one but the evidence was right there. At some windows the cut stud was newer lumber as well.
The newer windows sat a little lower than the old. The height of the old matched the height of the front door.
The posts on each side of the window have the 2nd floor joists mortised into them. These bents - front to back down the length of the house, one each side of each window - frame the house.
This is how Dutch houses in the Colonies were framed 2 generations before this house was built.
The picture of the southwest corner shows the post on the left side of the front corner window running from floor to roof, the beam mortised into the post, brick nogging, and cross bracing.
Note: in the picture of the window (above) an intermediate joist is visible - centered above the window. It is not mortised into a post. It sits on the plate. There are regular intermediate joists in the floor frame of the 2nd floor.
The link to the men who took down and repaired this house, Green Mountain Timber Frames: https://www.greenmountaintimberframes.com .