I will quickly review the documented - in writing - use of geometry from its mention in Isaiah to James Gibbs ' note in his Book on Architecture.
I will not have time to discuss the implications, nor even the reasons there are so few written notations. Curious people can read my blog and refer to this list.
I should have included: The Bible, Isaiah, 44, 13.
PRACTICAL GEOMETRY lecture for SAH Latrobe, Washington, DC, May 2017
IPTNWorkshop, Detroit, Michigan, Sept., 2017 Hale Village and Farm Museum Ohio, June 2018
Bennington, VT, Historical Society, Sept., 2018
IPTNWorkshop, Detroit, Michigan, Sept., 2017 Hale Village and Farm Museum Ohio, June 2018
Bennington, VT, Historical Society, Sept., 2018
Benjamin, Asher. The Country Builder's Assistant, Greenfield, MA: Thomas Dickman, 1797; reprint: Applewood Books, Bedford, MA, 1992.
The American Builder’s Companion, 6th edition, R. P. & C. Williams, Boston, 1827
The American Builder’s Companion, 6th edition, R. P. & C. Williams, Boston, 1827
*Biddle, Owen. Young Carpenter’s Assistant, published by Benjamin Johnson, Philadelphia,
*Gibbs, James. Book on Architecture, London, 1728
Rules for Drawing the Several Parts of
Architecture, printed by W. Bower for the author, London, 1732, ECCO print
Green, Bryan Clark. In Jefferson’s Shadow, the Architecture of Thomas R. Blackburn, Princeton
University Press, NY, 2006
Harris, Leslie. Robert Adam and Kedleston, The National Trust, London, 1987.
Knight, Edward H. American Mechanical
Dictionary, Vol I, II, III; J.B. Ford & Co. NY, 1874.
Peter. The Carpenter’s New Guide,
1793, London; 10th ed., Philadelphia, 1830.
The New and Improved Practical Builder, London, Thomas Kelly, 1837
*Palladio, Andreas. The 4 Books of Architecture, 1570, translated and published by Isaac Ware, London, 1738.
The New and Improved Practical Builder, London, Thomas Kelly, 1837
*Palladio, Andreas. The 4 Books of Architecture, 1570, translated and published by Isaac Ware, London, 1738.
Serlio, Sebastian. On Architecture, Lyon,
France 1530, translated into English, 1611, available on-line
* Shaw, Edward. The Modern Architect, Dayton & Wentworth, Boston, 1854
* Vitruvius, Marcus. The Ten Books on Architecture, c. 10 BCE, translated by Morris
Hicky Morgan, Harvard University Press, 1914.
also edited by Ingrid D. Rowland and Thomas Noble Howe, Cambridge University Press, 1999.
also edited by Ingrid D. Rowland and Thomas Noble Howe, Cambridge University Press, 1999.
*Reprinted by Dover
Publications, Inc., Mineola, NY
HABS drawings, Library of Congress,
Washington, DC
Denison Bingham Hull, Old First Church, Bennington,
Vermont, c. 1935.
James Platteter, barn frame for Green
Mountain Timber Frames, 2014
All others: Jane Griswold Radocchia
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