This 1920's planned neighborhood is on the National Register of Historic Places.
The family asked for enough space so they could bake pies from scratch while talking to their friends. The Japanese maple, to the right in front of the side porch, needed to stay.
The new wing is from the back porch - left - and the 3 windows - middle - to the drain spout -right. The new bulkhead provided better basement access.
A bay already existed on the right side, so I matched the roof pitch. The height of the roof was set by the 2nd floor windows. The windows, both the rough openings of the individual windows and the three together with wide mullions - match other windows in the neighborhood and others in the house itself. The size of the porch helps the windows look centered ( they aren't) on the wall, which helps the extension look simple, expected - "uhh, where's the wing? what else would you have built?"
Of course, none of my work would look nearly as good as it does without the excellent skills of the contractors I work with. They respect my vision. I know they improve what I put on paper.
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