I've expanded on both the original posts and the published article, with additional examples of original green design from around town, so I'm hoping that even if you've been following along from the beginning, you'll see something new and interesting.
The event is free - you can find more information here, and a link to the museum here.
So how did it go????
My kids said it was very good!
About 40 people, including 3 of my children - a good turn out. I was placed in front, to the side, not in the middle as I had expected, so I was not nearly aware enough of people as I spoke. I couldn't tell if they were with me, if they liked my comments, or were just sitting there. My kids said people took notes and murmured. A few asked questions. One mistake was pointed out - for which I was thankful - and we had a good conversation later. Some people said 'thank you' afterward.
The Red Sox were playing and people wanted to get home to watch!
So, really,I don't know and won't until I get feedback over time.
But I did make great strides at learning the fine points of a power point presentation.
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